The show has a brand-new format. In each episode, one low-income family and one high-income family will head away, together as group, on the holiday of a lifetime. They’ll spend one half of the week experiencing holiday luxury, and the other half experiencing a more low-budget, cost-effective holiday – giving them the unique chance to experience a taste of each other’s typical holidays.
The TV series that examines and asks the question: how much money do you have to spend to have an amazing holiday?
We recognise that families come in all shapes and sizes, which is why we are looking for groups of families, friends, couples, and siblings who are legal residents of the United Kingdom. Two families, one from the top 10% of the income spectrum and the other from the bottom 10%, have the chance to experience the holiday they would normally take and one they would never consider.
The ambition of the programme is to look at how much money matters to happiness through their eyes as they experience life at the other end of the wealth divide. Will they discover they have more in common than they thought despite their financial circumstances? Or will they learn that money divides us?
If you would like to apply for this opportunity to be part of these shows , please complete the form below.